Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 5, 2012

Girl Barely 15 Flirting for England

          Jessica "Jess" Jordan is a typical insecure teenage girl. Her mother is a divorced librarian who's sometimes outrageous but knowledgable. Her best friend, Flora is wealthy and drop dead gorgeous. Her grandmother is obsessed with catastrophy, disasters and murderers around the world. Her best guy friend, Fred is a total class clown. Despite her ordinary life, Jess is full of excitement when the French exchange students descend on her class. Jess and her mother are assigned to house a French boy named Eduoard. Jess thought herself "How awesome and sexy would it be to have a French boy in your house", this is Jess's oppertunity to make a French boy her first boyfriend.
          But when Jess and her mother went to school at midnight to pick up Edouard, Jess found out that he's a short hobbit who's really shy and awkward around strangers. But when Flora's partner, Marie-Louise told Jess that when Edouard first saw her digitally enhanced photo, he fell deeply in love with Jess. Scared and creeped out, Jess convinces Fred to pose as her boyfriend to make Edouard sad and he will moved on. But many days passed by and seeing that Eduoard has no affectionate feelings on her, Jess "broke up" with Fred when he's not taking their fake relationship seriously.
          Breaking off with Fred because Edouard doesn't like her anymore isn't the only reason she broke up with Fred. Jess had fallen for Gerard, Jodie's French partner. Gerard has a perfect body, black hair and can sweet talk any girl he meets. On the camping trip with Jodie, Edouard, Flora and Marie-Louise, Gerard had told Jess how funny and amazing she is and actually hold Jess's hands underwater when Jodie wasn't around. But chaos strikes after Saturday camp dinner, Jodie wants to play hide-and-seek the other way around so Jess has to be separated from Gerard because he was "it". Jess thinks she knows for sure that Gerard is at the place where they hold hands underwater. But while looking for Gerard, she ran into Edouard instead and they got lost in the woods. By the time they got back, Jess and Edouard had form a friendship and Jess was a mess. She also learned that Gerard was with her beautiful best friend, Flora the whole time and they had bonded. At night, Jess's jealousy grew when Flora told her that while playing the game, Gerard had told her how amazing and that she catches his eyes at the beginning. Didn't want to break Flora's heart, Jess kept quiet for the whole trip.
           When the French students leave for Paris, Gerard told Jess one more time that he wants to kiss her all over again, even though she doesn't what he meant. After the French students leave for Paris, Jess told Flora that Gerard only like one girl for a few hours and then dump her for another just like he did with Jess and Flora. The two begins to bond again and blocks all contacts from Gerard.

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